Partial Manuscript Evaluation for Authors
Lynda Dietz | Professional Book Editor
Partial Manuscript Evaluation Details & Rates
I will evaluate a partial manuscript to give you an idea of what's working or not, and will provide a written report. No corrections will be made within the manuscript, but global issues will be addressed in the report.
Up to 10K words: $90
10K – 20K words: $140
I'll give you an informed report of the following, as well as any specific questions you may have:
Do I want to keep reading past the first chapters?
Are the characters engaging/do I care about them?
Does the plot "grab" me, and does it make sense? Are there any holes?
Do I have a fair idea of who's who and how they fit in the big picture?
If there's any chronology involved, does it make sense?
Are there too many characters?
Is the dialogue believable? Is it appropriate to the region?
Are there too many clichés? Overused adverbs? Redundant wording?
Do the sentences flow well?
Does the conflict feel contrived? (a.k.a. Yes, this is fiction, but I have to want to believe it!)
Let's figure out if you’re off to a solid start in the book process and we’ll see how I can help you!