I read books. I correct books. I read more books.

Partial Manuscript Evaluation

If you’d like to get an idea of my manuscript editing services, you can get a partial manuscript edit so we can get a feel for if we’ll work together well.

Partial Manuscript Evaluation for Authors

Lynda Dietz | Professional Book Editor


Partial Manuscript Evaluation Details & Rates

I will evaluate a partial manuscript to give you an idea of what's working or not, and will provide a written report. No corrections will be made within the manuscript, but global issues will be addressed in the report.

Up to 10K words: $100
10K – 20K words: $150

I'll give you an informed report of the following, as well as any specific questions you may have:

  • Do I want to keep reading past the first chapters?

  • Are the characters engaging/do I care about them?

  • Does the plot "grab" me, and does it make sense? Are there any holes?

  • Do I have a fair idea of who's who and how they fit in the big picture?

  • If there's any chronology involved, does it make sense?

  • Are there too many characters?

  • Is the dialogue believable? Is it appropriate to the region?

  • Are there too many clichés? Overused adverbs? Redundant wording?

  • Do the sentences flow well?

  • Does the conflict feel contrived? (a.k.a. Yes, this is fiction, but I have to want to believe it!)


Let's figure out if you’re off to a solid start in the book process and we’ll see how I can help you!