I read books. I correct books. I read more books.

What's Keeping Me Busy?

What's Keeping Me Busy?


Current Projects, a.k.a. "In the Works"


Fables and Falsehoods, Rita Evermoore (fantasy)

Copper Hollow, Rosie Devaney & Ronan Finn (sci-fi/fantasy)

The Keepers, Joan Wittler (children’s short story collection)

My Brother Is a Werewolf coloring book, Ray Price (children’s)




Moving With, Reese Zahner (memoir)









Awaiting Publication


Come With Me, Joan Wittler

Will-o’-the-Wisp, Robin Graves (YA sci-fi/coming of age)

I Believe You, Patricia Garcia (novella)

My Sister Is a Monster, Raymond A. Price (children’s picture book, pub date 2024)



Man of Golden Words: The Andrew Wood Biography, Scot Barbour (biography)

The Gen-Xer at Midlife in Her Natural Habitat, Melissa Janisin (memoir)