I read books. I correct books. I read more books.

Editing Package for Children's Books

 Editing Package for Children’s Books

Lynda Dietz | Book Editor

Children’s books involve a great deal of overlap when it comes to editorial duties. Editing for picture books and early readers requires an editor to provide feedback on developmental editing in addition to line editing and copyediting.

My children’s book editing package offers all three.

Picture Books and Early Readers under 10,000 words

Minimum charge of $200 (up to 10K words) includes multiple passes of editing that allow for feedback on character, plot, theme, voice, emotion—and of course, solid prose. I’ll make line edit suggestions along the way for grammar, usage and consistency, and I’ll finish with copyediting the finalized manuscript.

children’s early chapter books 5,000–15,000 words

For early chapter books between 5K and 15K words, the minimum charge is $250 for the same services, due to the higher word count and increased complexity of material.

Let’s put our heads together and see how I can help you!